Monday, April 15, 2024

The Moment We Met (Chapter-4)


Felix's pov

What are the odds of meeting the same random person twice a week in two random places? Moreover, what are the odds of someone having a roommate whose boyfriend is their ex? What kind of weird consequences are these?

I run a hand over my wet face to get the water away from my eyes so that I can see her clearly. I know that Lydia has a roommate but the last person I expected to be her roommate is Maisara.

But life obviously doesn't go my way. Her now standing before me in pajamas is confirming her words, though she still has a scarf wrapped around her head and neck. Her nosepiece glints against the light. She has no makeup on and the natural glow of her skin is just too pretty. She has acne scars on her cheeks and that's what is making her so freaking beautiful. I suddenly feel a strong urge to run my fingers over her face, over the uneven features of her skin, over her cheekbones, and flick her slightly pinkish nose. But she seems like the one to smack my ass if I do so. At least, her fiery eyes and the look on her face right now are suggesting that.

I open my mouth to talk to her but Lydia beats me to it. "What are you doing here, Maisara?" The urgency in her tone makes me tear my gaze from Maisara and look at her. Maisara turns around and looks at her too.

Lydia has come down from Ryker's lap and is now standing in front of us, well, to be exact, in front of Maisara. Lydia's eyes are still now puffy and she's sniffing every now and then. How we get here is a long story.

Ryker, Ian, and James usually hang out on Friday nights every week. That's a fixed time only for them as all of them remain mostly busy throughout the week. They try their best to keep Friday night only for the hang out no matter what.

This week, they decided to tag me with them and hang out at Lydia's apartment since Lydia and I have never met in real life. At first, I disagreed thinking about her roommate and what would she feel like if a bunch of us just gathered here. I even suggested going to some other places. But Ryker said that Lydia would take care of it like she always does. Her roommate never stays when they hang out, so it should be fine.

Turns out that didn’t go according to the plan.

And my first meeting with Lydia was kinda messed up as well. When we arrived, Lydia opened the door crying. Ryker was immediately alarmed seeing her cry. He kept questioning her about what happened, who made her cry, and stuff like that. But she refused to answer every time. Then he took her to her room. After some time, when James, Ian, and I 'get settled' apparently, they came out with a rather calm Lydia but a fierce-looking Ryker. It doesn't require someone to be a genius to understand that Ryker has found out what happened to Lydia. But he refused to say anything about it answering 'personal issue' when Ian asked him.

He doesn't have the "Destroy all and kill all" type of anger. Rather, he turns into a more sarcastic and daring version of himself in anger. His sarcasm feels so insulting and annoying that eventually, you'll be the one to lash out at him. Or he will do some daring things which will eventually invite trouble.

He seemed like the sarcastic version when we finally 'officially started our hang out'. But there's no guarantee that the daring version of Ryker will not come out any time.

"Checking up on you since you apparently lost your phone." Maisara's simple reply brings my attention back to reality. The way she says it makes it anything but simple. I swear I see Lydia flinching a little and realization suddenly hits me. I purse my lips. Please don't tell me it's Maisara for whom Lydia was crying.

"My phone.....I-It's not lost......Somewhere here it should be....." I have to resist the urge to sigh at Lydia's poor attempt to lie. She definitely doesn't know where her phone is. Maisara is staring at her with a predatory smile. Even Ian and James are on their feet now.

"Here." We all turn around to find Ryker dangling a phone, Lydia's phone. I curse under my breath. I don't know what he actually did but I know him. And I can say for sure that he has entered his daring angry mode. The target is Maisara.

And judging by the overall aura Marisara gives, I can tell a hell lot of drama is going to happen.

Lydia walks up to Ryker. "Oh, there it is. Tha-"

"So your dog now keeps your phone as well?" I choke on the air as soon as the words leave Maisara's mouth followed by Ian's snorting. James is just staring at them blankly like he always does.

Did Maisara really just call Ryker Lydia's dog? Damn, that!

Now I actually feel like a jerk as I fight back the smile that's threatening to form on my lips. Crossing my arms over my chest and leaning the left side of my body on the wall, I watch in amusement as the drama keeps going.

"Hey, who the heck are you calling a dog, huh?" Ryker snaps taking a large threatening step ahead. Maisara doesn’t even glance in his direction as she says to Lydia, "Keep your dog on a tight leash and train him to behave. He's barking continuously which is disturbing the neighbors."

"Pff." The sound comes out of my mouth before I can control it. All five of them turn their head to look at me. Ryker particularly glares at me. I shake my head at them. "Don't mind me. Keep going."

I swear I see dark amusement flickering behind Maisara's eyes just before she turns back to them.

"I will tell.........them to stop shouting," Lydia says hesitantly looking between her boyfriend and her roommate. The tension of rage between the two of them is so visible that it's technically floating in the air.

"The hell you will!" Ryker yells at Lydia this time. She flinches hard, of course. He pays her no heed as he returns back to glaring at Maisara. "And why do you think I won't yell just because you tell me? Who are you to tell me anything anyway?"

Maisara matches his glare but says her words to Lydia, "Remind him again, Lydia, whose apartment is this."

"I know damn well who-" Ryker doesn't even get to finish his sentence as Maisara happily cuts him off.

"And if he desires to yell so much, escort him back to his doghouse where he can bark all he wants." She finishes the sentence with a meaningful look in Lydia's direction. Lydia understands the look immediately and starts nodding. She grabs Ryker's arm to pull his attention back to her as he still is yelling nonsense at Maisara.

On the other hand, Maisara turns around and walks back in the direction of her room with her head held high like a queen. The only thing missing is a crown on top of her head. She glances in my direction on the way and I give her a salute in response.

She indeed is a queen. There is no doubt about it.

When she is back in her room and has locked the door, I finally turn back to Ryker and glare at him. "You have so much explaining to do, baby brother. For now, you will do as I say or you're getting your ass kicked when you get home."

I don't know what actually works, my words or Maisara's, but Ryker actually didn't make any more unnecessary noises all night. Ian and James are also clever enough to follow him.

And I'm left impressed by the only person in the world who could tackle the angry Ryker without losing her cool and eventually beat him in his own game.

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