Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Moment We Met (Chapter-35)


Maisara's pov

Lydia is on the first floor of the manor. I can't really tell whether it's a good thing for me or not. Though we passed one set of staircases, I have lost count of the number of turns we took and the hallways we passed. If I say I'm not freaking out, that will be a lie. I am not even trying to calm myself down at this point. I just keep checking my phone every five steps to make sure the network is still available. Luckily, it is.

Ian didn't even so much as glanced in my direction since our conversation. But he makes sure that I'm following him. His bouncy steps have halted down to normal ones, still, they are light and make no sounds. His steps somewhat resemble a predator's, now that the playfulness is gone. That realization doesn't make me feel any better.

We take a turn to the left and Ian pauses. I glance ahead to see wooden floor-to-ceiling double doors, adorned in intricate terracotta works. The door is as beautiful as any of the other doors of this manor. But it looks unique, I can't exactly tell how. This is the end of the hallway. Nothing else is here, except this door.

Ian turns to me with his usual grin plastered on his face. I wonder if his face will remain smiley when he dies.

Where the fuck did that come from now?

"She is beyond these doors. I am not allowed to go in there," he says, gesturing me to go inside with one of his hands. I eye him at first, then the doors and resist the urge to glance over my shoulder. Leaving him here and going inside alone would be a stupid idea when I don't know if that is actually Lydia inside there. But do I have a choice?

I do actually have a choice. But that choice is not much of a brilliant idea either. 

"What are you thinking so much? This is not a war." Ian lets out a low laugh as if it was a joke. It wasn't. 

All of this is a fucking war.

Obviously, I don't tell him that. I choose different words. "How do I know this is the place?" 

He gives me a funny look. "Why would I take you somewhere else?" When I don't say anything in reply, he rolls his eyes, muttering, "Fine." Then he knocks on the door, well, technically, he bangs on it. "Lydia, you there?"

A few seconds of silence. Then, "Yes?"

That is her voice. Ian gives me a 'See?' look before angling his head again to the door. "Ian, it is. I am here with Maisara."

There is a moment of silence. I start to think whether I should say something or not. Meanwhile, Ian exchanges another look with me. A second later, a soft click is heard followed by the cracking sound of the door opening. A female head pops out of the crack. 

Her eyes land on me first since I am standing right in front of the door. Then she looks at Ian, to my right, and her eyes widen at first, then they narrow into what I'm assuming is a flirtatious look. I clear my throat. Her eyes shoot back up at me.

"Come in." There is a thick accent in her tone which I'm guessing is Spanish. She steps outside, clicking her heels on the floor, gesturing me to go in. I openly look her up and down. She is wearing a coral knee-length gown with a sweetheart neckline. Her ash blonde hair is cropped short over her shoulder. Then I meet her eyes. She is watching me with a scrutinizing gaze. I guess I am doing the same to her.

I glance at Ian. He raises his eyebrows at me. Well, there is no other way than stepping inside the doors. If there is danger, I can't avoid it.

Without another word, I step past the girl and cross the threshold.

The room is mostly..........vacant for a room this spacious. Well, I wasn't exactly expecting that. The interior matches the whole manor, rustic and antique. The walls are adorned with wooden paneling with exposed wooden beams stretching across the ceiling. A thick brown carpet covers the entire floor. A huge fireplace covers one of the four walls though it is not in use. That makes sense according to the weather. Above the fireplace, an old iron candelabra adds a medieval touch.

Beside the fireplace, three brown cushioned chairs and a small side table are scattered, indicating that someone was there a few moments ago, that girl from earlier it seems. A large window is there on the right side wall of the fireplace. Beige linen curtains are draped covering half of the window. Strong rays of the midday sun are filtering in through the window illuminating the entire room.

On the opposite side of the fireplace, an antique wooden vanity table is placed with a large, ornately framed mirror hanging above it. The table has intricate carvings and a brownish marble top. And in front of the table, sitting on a stool is Lydia. 

Gosh, she is looking breathtaking, like a fairytale princess getting married to her prince charming. She is wearing a white, lacey gown with a high neckline, long net sleeves, and a flowy and fluffy skirt. White roses made of lace are all over her skirt while her crocheted bodice is adorned with intricate patterns. Her blond waves are twisted back into a soft, low bun, and the front part of her hair is waved into braids which are holding a diamond tiara. A veil is draped gracefully from the tiara, flowing down her back. She is holding a bouquet of white and pink roses on her lap. I don't know if it's her makeup or if it's her, she is looking more shy and innocent than natural. 

A smile curls up my lips. "Ma Shaa Allah, Lydia. You look stunning." I take two or three long steps to reach her and take one of her hands bringing it to my lips to place a soft kiss on her knuckles. She offers me a soft and shy smile. "Thanks."

An unwanted thought crosses my mind. Should I even be seeing her now like this? Isn't the first look in your wedding dress supposed to be preserved for your partner?

"Have you met him?" I blurt out without thinking first, then bite my tongue. Maybe, I shouldn't have asked that.

She chuckles softly. "I know what you are thinking. Yes, he has seen me before anyone else."

I nod curtly. That information doesn't make me feel any good. If anything, it makes me more uneasy. Meeting him before the wedding doesn't exactly sound like a good thing to me, now that I'm more aware of his capability than before, thanks to Vicky.

The realization hits me abruptly. Is that it then? Is he using her against me somehow? Is that why she suddenly wanted to meet me?

My expression hardens immediately, jaws clenching hard, lips pressing into a thin line. Lydia notices that. Her smile falls. She lets out a sigh.

"The reason I asked to meet you," she starts, moving a tendril of hair away from her face. "is not that complicated actually." She looks down at her flower bouquet and I notice her eyelashes glistening...........with tears? Oh fuck.

I kneel before her and grab hold of her hands. "Lydia, look at me." She does. And of course, I am right. Her orbs are glinting with unshed tears, ready to fall. Her downcast face tugs something in my chest. I inhale a deep breath. "What's wrong?" I say as softly as I can.

Then, as if the situation is not already enough confusing, she starts laughing out of nowhere. I raise my eyebrows at her. Noticing the look on my face, she stops just as abruptly. Then she clears her throat, moving one hand out of my grip and touching her lashes with one fingertip softly to wipe the tear. "Sorry, it's just stress and hormones."

After a few seconds of silence, I nod slowly, not knowing what else to say. She might be a mess of feelings on the inside just as polished as she is looking on the outside. And I am pretty bad at comforting others.

She sighs again, moving the hand in my grip to hold mine now. Her thumb starts rubbing over my gloved knuckles as she whispers, "I'm so glad you could finally make it."

Such simple words. Yet the hidden emotion behind those words breaks something in my heart. I take a deep breath. At this stage of my life, I don't have that many regrets. Surely, I have some. And one of those includes hurting Lydia unintentionally. No matter how I try to hide it or see it differently, I have hurt her and that's the truth. In the process of protecting myself, I end up hurting an innocent soul.

I clear my throat. "I'm sorry for not being able to attend the other function." I told her that I was busy and that was partly true. I was busy but not that much that I didn't have the time to attend those functions. I just didn't want to give Ryker any more chance to destroy me than he already had. One chance and that is when I'm prepared to counter back. And that day is today.

Lydia shakes her head quickly. "It's fine. I understand." 

You don't. And I can't blame you for that.

This time, I actually think and rearrange my response. I have not been doing that lately. I, over anyone else, should know how deadly that can be. "You know it may sound stupid but I have always wanted to ask this to a bride, well," I pause, to give a half-shrug to match my tone. "-before her marriage. So," I pause again and smile at her. "How are you feeling right now?"

Again, half-truth and a good performance. I never meant to ask any bride that. Yes, that was a thing I always wanted to know when I wasn't Maisara, when I was a naive girl with dreams of her Prince charming and wedding and love and stuff like that. Not anymore. But that doesn't matter. I needed a change of topic and that seemed like a perfect one.

And just as I expected, she laughs loudly and wholeheartedly, tilting her head back, without a care in the world. At that moment I realize, whoever did her makeup and hairstyle did freaking injustice to her. Her attire was perfected in a way that would make her look small and fragile, innocent and petite. This carefree laugh doesn't go with that at all. But, my God, is anything about her more beautiful than this laughter of her?

She sees the look on my face and stops laughing abruptly, composing herself. Now that confirms my doubt. She is not only caked and baked to look timid but she is also said to act like one. That's fucking unfair. 

"Why did you stop laughing?" I ask, narrowing my eyes. She looks uncomfortable at that, averting her gaze and staring at the fireplace. "It's just...... I......A bride is not supposed to laugh like that at her wedding."

"And who said that?" I press, knowing well that it's probably something I shouldn't get involved in. But it's about her and I owe her more than that. My fight is one thing but if she needs fighting, I will be damn ready to fight for her.

She shrugs as if it's nothing. "It's a norm."

Of course, it is. Fucking norms, my ass. I grit my teeth in annoyance. "Screw it. It's your wedding. Your big day. If you don't be yourself then who would it be? You will laugh, scream, and even bark all you want. If anyone opposes you, so much even looks at you like you're doing something wrong, I will take care of it. Mark my words."

To my surprise, she chuckles, with that annoying bride-like softness. "You look...... like a baddie when you do that."

That earns a smirk from me. I get up to my feet and walk over to the other side of the room to grab a chair. I have got pins and needles in my feet from kneeling this long. As I grab one of the chairs from around the tea table, Lydia says from behind me. 

"About your question from earlier." I glance back at her. She is watching me with a subtle smile. I thought before how beautiful it looked on her, not knowing it's an act. Now that sight only annoys me.

I don't say anything, giving her the cue to continue and start to drag the chair behind me. Damn, it's heavy as fuck.

"I am nervous, above anything else. Like bat-shit nervous," she whispers out the last words like a conspiracy. I stop, pulling the hem of my gown to gather and grab it on one hand and start pulling the chair again. She continues, "But I am also like super happy. I am finally getting married. Can you imagine that? I have dreamed all my life about it and finally, that day is here."

She lets out a squeal. I smile at her sitting down on the chair that I have somehow managed to pull in front of her. She is not finished, I sense. So, I still decide to keep my mouth shut and let her talk.

Still beaming, she looks down at her hands and starts rubbing the ring on her ring finger, the one he gave her. She starts speaking again with a much affectionate tone this time, "You know I never really thought of marrying him." 

Then she abruptly pauses and looks up at me with wide eyes, probably realizing how negative her words sounded just now. "Oh my God, that sounded rude. I didn't mean it like that." 

"It's fine," I say simply, urging her to continue. 

"I meant to say that I love him a lot and still do, of course. But I never really pictured myself as his wife or him as my husband. That can be because it was too early to think anything like that."

Of course, it was too early. It was a rushed decision. It hasn't even been a year since they started dating, I think. This was one of the reasons why I was against this marriage apart from the groom being Ryker. But of course, this is their choice and I have no say in it. 

"That's why, I was so scared to tell him about our future and our child. So scared to see his reaction, or that would he accept me or not, or that would he still keep loving me or not. But he proved all my doubts wrong. He proved that he would love and choose me in every situation. He would-"

"Wait a second." I barely restrain myself from snapping at her, as the realization starts setting horror in me. Eyeing her hand that has now moved over her belly, I ask, "What are you talking about?"

She gives me a confused look as if she is saying completely normal things and I am the one who is an idiot for even questioning it. "About my feelings? Like you asked."

"That-" I cut myself off because I need to rethink what I should ask. What she is suggesting, saying in fact, can change everything if it's true. Damn, I even........ My thoughts are running so fast that I can barely get hold of anything.

"What do you mean by 'our child'?" I ask directly, narrowing my eyes. If I am looking judgemental or rude, be it. I have reasons to be either of those. Heck, I have reasons to feel more than that. I am doing just that and I am pretty sure my face is doing a perfect presentation of that. Because I am failing to keep my face neutral. Yes, she just took me to that stage. 

If she sees any of that, she ignores it. Her face still holds that confused look as she tries to explain, "I meant our, as in mine and Ryker's child." 

 The realization hits her almost at the same time as mine. We both say it at the same time.

"You are pregnant."

"I didn't tell you before."

When she says that, suddenly everything becomes clear. What I was fearing is the truth. I have just got checkmated. Not really, I never had a chance to win in the first place. I was a fool to even believe I could fight a war against Ryker when I couldn't even win a single fight against him in the past. I was a fool to think that things have changed and that I have changed. Nothing changed. Like before, he planned a hundred steps ahead of me. And I couldn't plan even one perfectly.

I stand up abruptly, fighting against the mess of thoughts running through my mind. Lydia stands up too, her eyes going wide in alarm. But that doesn't even concern me now. She probably is saying something but I can't hear it over the buzzing sound in my ear.

One confession from her just turned everything upside down. She is pregnant. Oh God, she is pregnant with his child. And I was this close to destroying him. Destroying her in the process too. As if making her suffer this much already wasn't enough for me.

And she didn't tell me. She forgot. I understand that we didn't really have a good relationship back then. But she was the only person who I can call my friend. And I thought..... I thought.........

I don't even realize when I start walking out of the door until someone grabs my hand. I snatch it back and glare at the person, ready to snap. Seeing that person makes me pause. 

Well, that person is none other than that short-haired girl who was flirting with Ian before I entered the room. Everything about her still looks the same, polished and perfect, if the smudge of her lipstick can be overlooked. 

"What do you want?" I do snap at her. She raises her eyebrows at me in a way that says, "Look at her audacity for talking to me like that". That makes my blood rush more to my head. 

"Honestly, I don't want anything from you." She gestures to something behind me with her hand and I notice the cigarette delicately dangling between her long fingers. "Maybe she does."

I glance over, already knowing what I am gonna see. And surely that's what it is. Lydia is standing at the threshold of the door, two feet away from me, huffing as if she has run a mile. She opens her mouth but I don't listen to what she says. I start sprinting.

God, I have no idea what I am even doing. The only thought that overpowers every other is that I need to get away from here. I don't want to be near her. The mess in my head will make me hurt her more. Better to run away than do something I will regret.

I pass hallway after hallway, not having any idea where I am going. I don't know how, within all these messes, I manage to make a call. It doesn't even ring once before the person picks it up.

"Maisara, where are-"

I stop her, words flying out of my mouth without any second thought as I make another turn and enter into a different hallway. "It is canceled, Vicky. Everything is canceled. I am sorry."

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