Tuesday, April 16, 2024

The Moment We Met (Chapter-7)


Felix's pov

After doing everything to ruin me, you are still saying you don't know why I hate you so damn much?"

You, my dear Felix, lied to your dearest younger brother, Ryker, saying that you caught me cheating on him with some random ass dude.

You also told him that I 'begged' you to keep your mouth shut.

How did you and Rose break up?

Can't remember. It was a long time ago.

You can't judge me just from one random incident.

Can't I now? You didn't seem to have a problem doing the same thing with me.

You're Felix Reyes, brother of my one and only ex, Ryker Reyes, and a jerk.

I bet you won't care even if I die.

The opening and closing sound of the front door penetrates through the veil of silence. The heavy footsteps start moving around the house followed by, "Felix! Where are you?"

I don't bother making any sound as I take a slow sip from the glass. The liquid burns its way down to my stomach.


I watch the amber-colored liquid swirling in the glass as I move it in a slow circle. It is looking like liquid gold under the soft light of the kitchen. Short waves of liquid gold are forming in the center and crashing on the walls of the glass. It-

"Where are you, man? I have some interesting things to tell you!"

I empty the remaining content of the glass into my mouth. The gold liquid transforms into a golden flame and sets everything on fire that comes in its way.

"Felix! Are you there?"

I take the half-empty bottle from the counter and fill the glass again. A few drops of amber fall on the countertop. Not amber, gold. The colour is closely similar to that of my eyes.

"There you are! I've been looking for you everywhere. Why haven't you-"

The black and blue sneakers catch my eyes first followed by a pair of faded jeans pants, a blue t-shirt, and a checkered jacket. Then a frowning face appears where eyebrows are knitted together and dark eyes are darting between my face and the glass in my hand.

"Felix, what the fuck are you doing?"

Worry drips down from his voice. Worry, huh? Yes, worry. Right. Of course. Worry. For what? Me?

Ryker is worried for me, huh? How hilarious!

I probably let out a laugh because I hear him swearing.

"Fuck, man! What were you thinking? Gimme that glass. You know how much of a messed-up drunk you can be! Wha-"

"Are you worried about me?"

Ryker pauses and gives me a look. "Of course, I am, idiot! Why would you do this? You could have talked to me about whatever it is that's bothering you. Why would you-YOU DRANK HALF OF THE BOTTLE!"

"I tried," I mumble.

"What?" He pauses again with one of his hands on the bottle and another on my glass to look at me.

Looking down in my palm, I say again, "I tried to talk to you. But you never let me continue."

He moves both of his hands and pulls himself onto the stool beside me. With a hand on my shoulder, he says, "About what? Tell me now. I'm listening."

It can be because of the alcohol but I don't beat around the bush as I say, "What happened between you and Maisara?"

I see exactly how his expression changes. His eyebrows shoot upwards. The worried look replaces with an irritated one. He moves his hand from my shoulder and crosses them over his chest. That's when I notice them.

Fear. It's reflecting clearly like daylight in his eyes behind the mask of irritation no matter how hard he's trying to hide. Or it can be the effect of alcohol that's making me see things that I want to see when they aren't actually there. Like a hallucination. Is alcohol actually capable of causing hallucination? I don't know.

"I think I made it pretty clear last time that I don't want to have any conversation on this topic?" The venom in his voice is enough to trigger me. I push myself off of the stool and tower over him. He is still sitting on that stool which makes it easier for me to do that. He doesn't look threatened. He is just staring at me with narrowed eyes.

"And why is that? So that I don't find out that you used me to get out of that relationship?"

Well, now, he's looking threatened though he tries his best to not show it. "What the hell are you talking about?"

Laughter blooms in me. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe the fact that you lied to her about me or something like that?"

"Do you even know what are you implying?" He grits out the words getting down from the stool and matching my glare. I notice the rage slowly mixing with the fear in his eyes. That's a dangerous combination but I don't give a fuck. Actually I think I'm past the phase of giving a fuck about anything at this point. 

I shrug. "Maybe that you lied to her that I informed you about her cheating on you?"

And he loses it. He shoves me back and growls, "I seriously don't know what you're talking about. Did she tell you that? I swear-"

"Don't you dare," I hiss, stepping close to him again, eyes burning with fury. "Say one foul word about her and you'll see the shades of colors in your eyes that you never knew existed."

He shoves me back again. "Oh, yeah? So you're now threatening me just because some bitch-"

His words are cut off as my fist connects with his jaw. Hard. So hard. He stumbles back. His wide eyes should have been enough to warn me. But again, I don't find myself caring about that.

"I warned you, Ryker, one bad word and you face the consequence. You made me a villain of your love story when I didn't even exist in there. She thinks of me as a villain, all thanks to you. You used me to throw her away for I don't know what. She was a perfect girl as far as I remember. You were the one who told me that. So what was it that became so necessary that you had to dump her like that? Why using me? Why-"

I feel a sharp hit on my nose before I can finish my words. Tears start forming in my eyes as the pain shoots straight to my head. I stumble back a little with the force of the hit and grab my nose.

"I can't believe you, Felix. You just hit me for some random chick. Seriously?" He is still glaring at me but his tone is more of a surprise than anger.

"Yes." I grunt looking down at my palm where I feel the dampness and find the crimson color painted there. Did he just give me a bloody nose? Great!

I don't know why but I find it funny. I laugh again as I look back at him wiping my nose with my shirt sleeve. And the next thing I know is that I've pinned Ryker against the wall and am now spitting on his face, "For your kind information, she is not some random girl. You seriously don't have any idea who she is and who she has become. So don't talk about her like that."

"As if you know everything about her?" he chokes out clawing on my vice-like grip around his neck. Finding no other option, he connects his knee between my legs. I feel the sharp pain seconds later temporarily blinding me and bringing me to my knees. I curse loudly holding my crotch.

I feel a sharp tag on my hair which makes me look up and meet the dark eyes of my brother dearest. "Still she is a girl. And you have hit me for a girl, Felix. I'm leaving you for now but I'm not gonna forgive you for this. Ever."

He leaves my hair, turns around, and starts walking away as if the conversation is over. I extend my leg just at the right time for him to stumble upon it and slam hard on the floor. As the groaning sound reaches my ear, I say, "I never said I'm leaving you this soon, Ryker."

When he looks back at me with blood trickling down his forehead and eyes red with anger, I realize that only one of us is going to leave out of here alive tonight.

Maisara's pov

"....... Yeah, yeah. Of course. Don't worry about that. Yeah. Again thanks a lot for helping me. I'm so grateful for that. Yeah, yeah. Ok, goodnight."

Cutting off the call, I glance around myself. I'm standing in the middle of a small apartment, thanks to an old acquaintance, who helped me find a place to stay temporarily.

Where I'm standing is apparently the living room. Behind me is the main door of the apartment. The living room is painted beige. A grey leathered sofa is there against one of the walls facing a 43 inches tv on the opposite wall. A wooden coffee table is in front of the sofa. There are paintings on the walls, mostly abstract, and small vases in the corners with colorful artificial flowers.

The other side of the living room comes across two doors, one of which leads to a bedroom and another to the kitchen. The dining area is adjusted to the kitchen.

It's perfect for a temporary home. It's smaller than the one I shared with Lydia but it seems okay. At least, I have a place to stay the night.

I walk over to the sofa and plop down on it. The exhaustion of the day finally hits me as I lay my head against the back of the sofa and close my eyes. Such a long day it was. I just want to lie down on the bed and fall asleep.

But, of course, something else is written on my fate. My phone starts ringing suddenly. I don't bother opening my eyes as I slide the green bar and press it to my ear.

At first, some shuffling sounds reach my ear. Then a rough shaky voice says, "H-Hello, Rose, it's me, Ian-"

"It's Maisara." I correct him as questions start blooming in my mind. Why is Ian calling me at this time? How did he even get my number? Why is he so shaky? Something is definitely wrong. What is it?

I sit up straighter as his voice comes through the phone again, "Yes, yes, Maisara. I'm so sorry. Maisara, yes. I-"

"Calm down, Ian. What happened? Why did you call me?" I try to calm him down so that he can tell me what it is. Something is terribly wrong. I don't know yet what is it but I feel it in my guts.

But it's of no use. He keeps blubbering, "I'm so sorry to disturb you. I didn't want to, I swear. But I had no other option. I'm so-"

"Ian, just say it." I snap and instantly feel sorry for it. I can't help it. My patience is hanging on a thin line and he's making it more difficult than it probably needs to be.

That seems to work as he pauses at first and then goes, "They are fighting. So much blood. They aren't stopping. I tried. We both tried. But they just-"

I stand up from the sofa as the alarm goes off somewhere in my brain. I tell him slowly, "Ian, I'm not understanding your words. Who are fighting?" But I think I already know who are fighting even before he says it.

"Ryker and Felix!" He almost screams and I feel the ringing in my ear. "Please, Maisara, I'm begging you. Can you please come here? They will both die at this rate. And I-"

"Send me the address. I'm on my way."

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About The Author

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An ambivert girl who lives in the fake scenarios she makes and who once thought that it would be interesting to write down those scenarios and publish them to the world.✨


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