Monday, April 15, 2024

The Moment We Met (Chapter-3)


Maisara's pov

One week later-

"Ryker is coming tonight."

The first thing I hear after opening the front door is this. I look up and stare blankly at the short-haired blonde standing at the door of the kitchen with a mixed look of worry and excitement on her face and a little blush over her cheeks, the effect of her own words. On the other hand, here's me standing like a statue getting a different kind of effect from the same words.

Keeping an eye on her, I slowly step into the apartment shutting the door close behind me. The door makes a loud sound which I certainly don't intend to make. My hands have just slipped.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier, Lydia?" I ask, taking off the heels. I see her flinching from my rough tone but I don't care. She should have seen that coming.

"Sorry, I forgot," she utters with what seems like a sorry look on her face. She even bows a little apologetically. I scoff walking past her to the kitchen and setting the grocery bags from my hands on the counter.

She definitely isn't sorry. Or even if she is, that doesn't change anything right now.

"When is he coming?" I ask opening the door of the refrigerator and pulling out a water bottle from there. I turn to face her again as I open the lid and bring the bottle to my lips.

"At around 10," she pauses. "Tonight."

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. There has to be a limit to someone messing things up which Lydia clearly doesn't have.

She either purposefully did this or she actually did this without thinking and messed up eventually. Knowing her, I'm assuming the latter is the case. Not assuming, I'm hoping that's the case.

"Cancel it," I say closing the lid of the bottle and placing it back into the refrigerator. I can literally feel her blinking behind me for one good minute. Then I hear her saying, "No, Mai. What are you talking about? I can't-"

"First of all," I turn back to her, closing the refrigerator door. "My name is Maisara. Call it properly. No nicknames, short forms, or anything like that. Secondly." I take a few steps until I'm standing right in front of her. "If you can invite someone into our shared apartment without discussing it with me first then you can obviously cancel the plan on my order."

"I can't," she whispers refusing to meet my eyes. I squint at her, hardly managing to keep my tone normal. "Why?"

"Because they are already on their way here." She glances at me once before looking down at her fidgeting fingers.

I raise my eyebrows, blood rushing to my head as I catch on one single word. "They?"

"I-yeah," she stutters and I realize she has actually fucked up more than I'm thinking. My palms start to ache and I realize my nails have dug in there. I unclench them for a few seconds before clenching them again.

"What do you mean they? Who else is coming?" I press moving closer, my voice dropping down a dangerously low tone. I swear I see her trembling a little before answering, "His friends."

I curse under my breath making her flinch again. That's exactly what I should expect when I'm sharing an apartment with a dumbass. "How many?" I ask to at least get to a point where she has stopped messing up.

"Three or four, probably." Her voice trembles again as she answers.

"So you're not sure?" I can't believe this girl.

"Maisara, I-"

I happily cut her off putting a hand up, "You didn't only invite your boyfriend here without telling me first, you even invited his whole gang? And on top of that, you don't even know who is actually coming with him?"

"I can-"

I cut her off again, trying my hardest not to yell while talking, "You can what? Lydia, you share an apartment with another person. Do you even understand what that means?"

She flinches again before nodding. I sigh. "No, you don't. We are already sacrificing some of our privacy when we're sharing an apartment. You need to at least give value to the remaining privacy of the person you're sharing the goddamn apartment with."

I take a deep breath. Lydia bites on her lower lip to keep them from trembling. She's on the verge of crying. I feel a little bad for her. But she should have thought at least once before doing something like this.

"If you can't do that, please rent a whole apartment for yourself. Leave me. I'll find someone else."

Without casting another glance at her, I pick up my side bag from the counter and storm my way to my room.

I turn on the light and lock the door. Throwing the bag on the bed, I sit down beside it and start removing the pins from my hijab one by one. Deciding to start living with an idiot is the first mistake I've made. And the second mistake I've made is not making a thorough background check on her. I did check her background but never really thought about checking on her boyfriend. Now I feel like that was the first thing I should have done. At least, I would have known that my ex would be my new roommate's boyfriend.

Now I'm kinda stuck in here, in my room. Not because I don't have the guts to face my ex but because it would be a massacre if I go face to face with him again. And I don't think that would be a pretty good sight for my sweet little Lydia.

Normally, I don't stay here whenever he comes over. Lydia usually informs me beforehand. She knows about our past history and how much I hate him. She does everything to avoid our meeting. How the fuck did she forget it this time?

She's probably crying in her room now. Fuck her. I don't care. She deserves that.

I glance up at the wall clock. 9.55. That's why, I can't even go anywhere else now. Because if I try to, I'll eventually end up meeting him on my way. It's better to stay here.

The doorbell rings echoing the noise throughout the house. Lydia is probably on her way to open the door and greet her boyfriend and his friends. She's probably gonna cry on his shoulder and complain about me to him. He's probably kissing her tears away and being a sweet talker and doing anything to make her stop crying. Like he once did with-

I shake my head. They can do whatever the fuck they want to do as long as they are not disturbing me. But if that guy still has that friend group of his, then I don't think I'm not getting disturbed.

Sighing, I get up and walk over to the closet. I've got better work to do than waste my time thinking about them. If they stay quiet, everything will be good. But if they don't, I won't hesitate to show them my true color either. If they are the old friend group, they haven't seen this side of me yet. And I'm more than willing to show them if they go against me.

After all, it's my home and they are just guests here.

After half an hour of scrubbing every part of my body and a deep bath, I'm finally calm and satisfied. I'm smelling like jasmine wholly and my skin is feeling so soft. I feel like sleeping in the bathtub from too much relaxation.

But I need to pray Isha and have some office works to finish before going to bed. So I pull my lazy body out of the bathtub. Getting dressed in my favorite pajamas, I get out of the bathroom.

"Ohooo, yes! Yes! Yes!"

And there goes my good and relaxed mood.

"Ryker! You can't do that! It's cheating!"

I sigh unwrapping the towel from my hair and sitting down on the bed. Their animalistic howling and shouting are clearly penetrating through the thin wall into my room. And it's loud enough for me that I can't even ignore them. How am I supposed to do anything with this much distraction?

Did Lydia not say that I'm home? Or did they decide to ignore her?

I rub my face. They probably didn't ignore her. Lydia probably didn't tell them to keep their voice low as I didn't specifically tell her to do so. That sounds stupid but that's a very Lydia-thing to do.

"Ryker! Gimme that, idiot!"

I sigh falling back on the bed. What should I do now? I seriously don't feel like going out there. Should I send Lydia a text?

I jump up on the bed. That's right. I should send her a text. That will work. She will understand. She's definitely not that dumb. Taking the phone from the nightstand, I send her the text.

Maisara: Can u please tell them to shut the FUCK UP so that I can get my work done?

Her reply comes seconds later-

Lydia: Can't. A bit busy now.

I blink at the screen. What the fuck did she just text back?

I wait a few seconds for Allah knows what, probably for the text to change or vanish. That's.......not how she replies norm-

Or maybe she didn't reply at all. It's someone else who texted me back. Someone else has her phone.

Blood rushes to my head as soon as the realization hits me. There has to be a limit to it. I won't tolerate something like this. What do they think of themselves?

I call her number. It rings once before getting cut off. Cursing under my breath, I throw the phone on the bed. Someone is indeed messing with me.

I grab the hijab and the cap from the bed and start wrapping them around my head. They wanna mess around with me? Fine. They will also face the consequences.

"Ryker! I'll fucking kill you, bastard! What the heck are you doing?"

"Someone give him a tight slap, please!"

I hear at least two different male voices as I walk out of my room and make my way to the living room. And none of them were my dearest Lydia's boyfriend's. Just how many of them have come?

I round the corner and step into the living room. I swear under my breath again to keep my rage under the leash.

Four of them are in there and I know all of them. It seems that Ryker is still keeping the gang around.

There is Ian sprawling in the loveseat with his legs dangling out of one of the armrests, his eyes glued to the large screen on the wall and his hands gripping a controller. On the other armrest of the loveseat, James is sitting barely placing his hips there, both of his feet strongly planted on the ground. He doesn't have a controller in his hands but his eyes are on the screen.

Then on the one-seated sofa, there's Ryker with his brand-new black hair on his head and his brand-new girlfriend on his lap, wrapping a protective arm around her. He also has a controller in his hands and his sole focus is on the screen. On his lap, Lydia seems to cling to him for dear life and watch whatever is happening on the screen.

The other one-seated sofa is left empty but someone was there. Because there's a half-empty bottle of Coca-Cola at the legs of it and a phone on the seat. That means one more person is also there who is-

"Maisara? What are you doing here?"

Well, that someone knows me, I see. And judging by the familiar voice, it seems like I know him too.

I turn around to face the person. The first thing that catches my eye is the golden-brown messy hair. Some of the strands are wet and attached to his forehead. As I go down, I find a pair of golden eyes staring back at me, surprise flicking behind them. His eyebrows are raised slightly. Water droplets are dripping down from his drenched face. One of them falls on his full and lush lips. His tongue darts out running over them before it is back into his mouth.

And I realize I was right. I indeed know him. My lips curve into a slow smile as I say, "Welcome to my apartment, Felix Reyes."

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About The Author

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An ambivert girl who lives in the fake scenarios she makes and who once thought that it would be interesting to write down those scenarios and publish them to the world.✨


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