Tuesday, April 16, 2024

The Moment We Met (Chapter-19)


Maisara's pov

Oliver Carter. The Head of HypeTech New York Branch aka our boss. A perfect 35 years old gentleman with zero scandals or criminal records. Happily married with two kids.

So why am I taking the initiative to end his career and give him a taste of hell?

Because behind all these pretty good facades, he is a sadistic monster. Sexually abusing people is his passion. When he transferred here as the Branch head one year ago, it took him almost no time in gaining everyone's trust and respect. People started admiring him for his easygoing and helpful behavior. Until they started seeing his true face.

Having him friendly and trustable, people started sharing things with him, things that are probably a little too personal. It sounds weird that they would do that with their boss. But then again, Oliver behaved more like a friend to them than a boss. So it started becoming quite normal for them to do that.

And Oliver started making perfect use of that. He used the information to blackmail them and then have them satisfy his sinful desires. To complete these things, he had a plan so perfect that no one had been able to make him repent and punish him for his sins. Because he leaves no evidence, none that could lead him to his downfall, except for those with whom he did that.

So, here, I am, all ready and prepared to happily watch his downfall sitting cross-legged in a magnificent room in an elegant gown with a cup of the most elegant tea I own. Before that, I need to set the traps properly to make that happen.

I stare up at the black wooden door. Behind this, that heinous criminal is sitting. I don't know for what reason he has called me here but I have a feeling that he's plotting something against me. Because during this one year, I've probably talked to him two or three times and all of them were sort of greetings at some official events. He's not my direct boss, so I never had to deal with him directly for any official matter.

My direct boss, Poppy, our departmental head is on leave today. So she isn't here to deal with him either. It makes perfect sense in one way. If he really wants to do me dirty, then he will be wise enough to choose a day when my boss will not intervene.

I start debating whether I should knock one more time or just barge in. His assistant, whose name I manage to forget, has gone inside almost five minutes ago to inform that I'm here to meet him and hasn't come out yet. I'm already losing my patience and if I have to wait for another second, I will-

With a soft click, the door opens and his assistant walks out. His eyes fall on me and even the glasses on his nose can't hide the judging look he gives me. Finally, when he's done, he jerks his head to the room behind him and mumbles, "He's expecting you."

I nod tightly before grabbing the doorknob and pulling the door open. The door smoothly moves without a sound revealing a sophisticated beige-black office room.

The first thing that comes into my view is a set of beige-colored leather sofas at the right corner of the room. Next to it is a floor-to-ceiling length glass window. Bright sunlight seeping through it is illuminating the entire room. And a few feet ahead of the window, at the center of the room, is a black desk with two beige-colored chairs with their back towards me. On the other side of the desk is sitting the person who has summoned my presence here.

Dressed in a grey formal shirt, Oliver Carter is staring right at me over the distance between us. Anyone will see a kind human being the moment they set their eyes on him, the subtle wrinkles around his mouth fuel that thought. Only those who know his true color can see right through the calm gaze his hazel eyes hold.

His lips form into a subtle smile. "Come in, Maisara Kamal. I was waiting for you."

I step inside the room. The door behind me clicks shut as if silently warning me about the danger I'm getting myself into. According to ChloĆ©, everything he plans starts from this place. 'The gate to hell' is what she calls this place.

"Have a seat, please." His slow and soft voice tries to lure me into believing what everyone else believed and failed miserably. I start walking to the desk, my heels clicking softly against the tiled floor.

As I pull one of the two chairs back and place my ass on it, he leans forward a little. His golden locks shine under the bright sunlight. With a small smile, he asks, "How are you, Maisara?"

The tone he uses sends a chill down my spine. That's a tone we use with our intimate ones, the people that are dear to us and the people that we actually care for. And for him to use this tone means something entirely opposite. The question of why he asked to see me keeps nagging in the back of my mind.

I reply with a small bob of my head. "I'm fine. Thanks for asking." I don't bother asking about his well-being.

He shrugs, leaning back in his black leather seat. "Besides being an observant boss to my employees, I need to be able to keep tabs on their mental health as well and make sure they are on good terms. Otherwise, how do I make a good boss?"

I don't know if it's just me but I feel the smile playing on his lips has turned into a mocking one. The anxiety of what he's plotting against me is beginning to make its presence inside of me. Lots of questions run through my mind. I ignore them all and nod my agreement with him. "Indeed."

His oh-so-kind gaze observes me for another two or three good seconds before he breaks down into a chuckle. "Oh silly me. You must be wanting to know why I called you into my office. I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

His eyes move around my face, go up to check my hijab but never go beneath my neck. That's an interesting observation, for someone who is accused of being a sexual harasser. Finally locking eyes back with me, he drops the bomb for which he was creating unnecessary suspense until now. "I just wanted to have a chat with you. We have met a few times before if I recall correctly but never had a proper talk. I have some time before a meeting and I thought why not do it today? So here we are."

Then he gets up from his chair. Every sense of mine hones to full alertness as he rounds the desk and comes to my side of it. I resist the urge to look back and check the distance between me and the door to calculate how much time it will take for me to run out of here in case he tries anything. As I remain glued to the chair, he leans against the desk with only a fragile little beige-colored chair between us. Then he extends his hand to me while saying, "Let's start like we don't know each other. Hello, I'm Olive Carter. Nice to see you."

I blink. What is he doing? Is this some sort of prank? If it is then he has a really weird sense of humor. If not, then what? A game plan? Well, that seems more like it. But where the hell he is planning to go with it?

I suppose playing alone with him is the best way to go. We will see what comes next. I stand up from my chair as well, taking his extended hand in mine as I say, "Maisara Kamal. Nice to see you as well."

I look at Oliver in question. "Why go to such lengths to get to know someone like me?"

Just at that moment, the door clicks open and his assistant walks in with a tray that contains the necessary arrangements for a tea party. He briefly looks from Oliver to me, then walks over to the tea table attached to the sofa set at the left corner of the room and places it there.

Oliver pushes himself off of the desk and raises both of his eyebrows at me, curiosity and amusement dancing in his eyes. "Someone like you means?"

I shrug, glancing at his assistant again and trying to guess if he also is involved in his boss's illegal activities. "Someone like me means someone as ordinary of an employee as me.

Oliver barks out a laugh forcing my attention back to him. "Oh, please, you are anything but ordinary."

I blink. "Pardon?"

His words are quite simple, but still, they set an alarm off in my mind. From the moment I stepped into his office, everything in me has been telling me that I'm getting into big trouble. It's also not like I wasn't well aware of it beforehand. But I have been ignoring it thinking only about the revenge. Now I'm debating if I should have listened.

Setting the elements for a tea party, the assistant stands straight with his hands by his sides and looks at Oliver. Oliver does a dismissing sign with his hand and looks at me. "Care to join me for a cup of tea?"

So that you can poison me? No, thanks.

Not that I can say that to him since he's my boss. Also, I need his attention away from me even if it's for a few seconds and this seems like a perfect opportunity. So I nod with a meek smile and gesture him to walk ahead.

While he steps away with his back to me, I quickly turn around to check where exactly the pen holder is on his desk. Then keeping an eye on his back, I pull out the pen from my pocket and drop it silently into the penholder with other pens there.

The pen has a hidden camera in it. I need evidence first to get anywhere with this plan. His office is the most perfect place for that and the pen makes the perfect weapon.

My job with him is done for today. Now I need to wait for the perfect time to get out of here without making it look like I'm running away.

He settles down on the double-seated sofa. I walk over to the single-seated one beside it and sit down there. He moves over to grab the porcelain kettle by its black handle and pours tea into two cups. Then he drops one sugar cube in one cup and looks in my direction. "That's how I like my tea. What about you?"

I think of saying that I don't drink tea. But then I settle for, "No milk or sugar, please."

I hope that will leave him no room if he decides to mix something in my tea. Well, unless he has something already in my tea which makes no sense because he is drinking the same tea.

"That's interesting," he responds with a nod before passing the other cup to me. I mutter a 'thanks' taking it as he does the same with his. Taking a long sip from his cup, he turns his attention back to me.

"Listen, Maisara, it may surprise you but I have been observing you and your work for the past month. And I must say you have more potential than the employees in the same position as you. Which is why I said you're no ordinary employee."

Well, that's.......that's impossible because he was not here for exactly one month, was on a business trip, as far as I know. I don't know exactly where he's going with it but I'm having a feeling that he's saying the truth. He actually did observe me. Or should I say keep an eye on me? My gut feeling just keeps getting worse with each passing second.

"Thank you, sir," I mutter, forcefully pulling my lips into a smile.

He shakes his head. "Call me Oliver, please." Then he pauses and takes another sip from the cup. I try not to show the increasing anxiety on my face as he keeps his eyes trained on me. I also do not attempt to bring the cup anywhere near my mouth, let alone drink the tea.

Placing his cup back on the tea table between us, he leans forward. His eyes shine in newfound interest as he goes, "So here is the thing which I actually wanted to talk to you about and which is why I called you here. You're getting a promotion and from next week, you're gonna start working as my assistant."

A shiver runs down my spine in horror. I settle down my cup of tea on the table so that the rattling between the cup and saucer doesn't give away how much his words have made me shaky from the inside.

"Pardon?" That leaves my mouth for the third time in the day.

He smiles which I'm almost certain is his version of a smirk and says, "I know you heard it right the first time I said it but it is probably coming out as a shock. So I am repeating. You're promoted to the position of my assistant."

"But you have-" I pause abruptly, suddenly realizing I still can't remember his assistant's name. Clearing my throat, I rephrase the sentence. "I mean don't you already have an assistant?"

He nods. "I do. But he has to manage all these alone and it's difficult for him. So I thought about appointing a second assistant."

I try to think of a response that doesn't come with an instant no. And the best I can come up with is, "I would like to take time to think about it."

He shrugs crossing his legs in such a way that seems highly arrogant to me. It's like he already knows that he has won a battle even before it started. He shrugs nonchalantly while saying, "Take your time. It's a good offer. I know an intelligent girl like you would understand the value and choose wisely."

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